If I had a nickel for every demonic possession movie that came out
these last five years or so, I’d be rich enough to make sure there was never
another one. I mean honestly. What subset of movies has been sucked dry more
than this? Let's just take a look at some of these wonderfully creative films which have so much of their own ideas...

...and the list goes on. It’s gone beyond beating a dead horse and more into beating a dead horse with the flogged carcass of another dead horse, while sitting on a third dead horse. Where does it end? Where did it begin?
Well, we can answer the second question.
Director: William Friedkin
Starring: Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn
Yes, The Exorcist, often touted as one of the scariest movies ever
made. And rightly so. It’s a masterpiece. It is one of the most richly textured
horror films out there, as much a drama as it is a horror film really. But at
the same time, it also packs some of the blackest, vilest depths of evil you
will ever see in a film. But to truly understand this masterpiece of cinema, we
must call a priest and have him cast out everything from the movie so we can
examine it.
The movie begins slowly, with an old man out in Iraq discovering some
mysterious artifacts that remind him of something long-past that we don’t know
about yet. We get some quiet build-ups that really just establish his character
and the hesitation he’s going through. We fade out on a shot of him standing in
the desert against a demonic shadow figure.
Pretty damn effective and ominous.
Pretty damn effective and ominous.
Then we get our main characters, Regan and Chris, who are both women
born in that strange ambiguous time when men and womens’ names seemed to be
interchangeable. Chris is an actress and spends her time trying to make her
hairdo as gender-ambiguous as her name. When she’s not doing that, she hangs
out with her British director, Burke Dennings, and plays with Regan in the
evenings. Regan has made a new invisible friend named Captain Howdy, who I think
used to hang out with the Devil’s Rejects cast before this movie.
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Another difference between then and now: parents would immediately become suspicious in 2013 if their little girls started saying they were hanging out with Captain Howdy. |
So the movie unfolds pretty slow and comfortably, taking its time to
set up its characters. Shit – most modern movies would have had about twenty
jump scares at this point. Some people might confuse this kind of pacing as
sluggish, but I like it. It sets up everything very well and you get to like
the characters pretty well. We get introduced to our other main character in
Father Damien Karras, a priest in the city losing his faith while his ailing
mother passes away under the gaze of uncaring relatives.
Here’s another thing this does so well – it really does a good job with
those scenes of people trying to figure out what’s wrong with Regan. To start
with, there really isn’t much of a transition into her getting sick. We get
introduced to the character, she seems okay, and after we return from some of
the Father Karras scenes, she’s just in the hospital – bam. No other
explanation needed. I love how we find out a lot of the stuff wrong with her
just through Chris talking with the doctors. There are no goofy over the top
jump scares and no bullshit mythos – it’s all very grounded in reality at
first, which is really the way to go. Unfortunately these days, we are so over-saturated
with these kinds of stories and we have the Internet to contend with, so it
wouldn’t be believable quite as much to have a scene like this in, say, The
Last Exorcism III: The Dead Horse.
In The Exorcist though, we get some very good, detailed scenes of
hard-working doctors trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with Regan.
There are some expensive medical treatments and some very uncomfortable scenes.
The film, again, takes its time. Remember in my Paranormal Activity review when
I said research isn’t scary? This is the exception.
The reason is because it’s all so slowly built up – the film crawls toward its point by establishing
that the characters really have no other options to turn to. Chris is pushed to
her breaking point and simply cannot find any other explanation except the supernatural. She becomes so
desperate that she ends up accepting the one thing she never thought she would:
demonic forces from another plane of existence.
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"Hmmm...my diagnosis is, you're fucked." |
That’s really, really good, actually. If you’ve never seen this movie
before, let me go back and explain a bit – in the middle of the research scenes
where the doctors are puzzled about what’s wrong with Regan, one of the doctors
asks if she or Regan has any religious beliefs. Chris replies that no, neither
one of them do. Which would be a fairly commonplace thing nowadays – many
people are atheists now and it’s not something to be ashamed of. Most people
don’t even blink at that. But this was the 70s, when we as a country were just
starting to come out of the long shadow of the Church and of religion in
general. It was a confusing, transitional time and people were moving away from
the old guard of religious beliefs – the world was changing.
And that’s the cincher right there – that’s why this movie is so scary.
Because it takes a woman who, by all accounts is rational and modernistic in
this world, and shows her that really, everything we know as sophisticated,
civilized and modern is just a bunch of shit. Really, the old world never left
and it never will leave – the old world is eternal and the Devil is real.
That’s fuckin’ terrifying, man. That’s the pitch blackest horror there is. The
Exorcist takes our changing, atheistic and unchristian world and turns it
upside down.
So yeah, I guess I should talk about the Regan devil-possession
scenes…they’re pretty damned gross. I don’t think these scenes by themselves
are anything that scary as much as
they are disturbing. I mean,
especially if you don’t like people vomiting up green bile. In that case, don’t
watch Troll 2. You’ll probably have an aneurysm.
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There's one for the family photo albums! |
These scenes are just crazy. I mean, there’s one scene where she
scuttles down the stairs backwards with her mouth bleeding. I don’t think
there’s enough antibiotics in the world for that. Plus, this scene comes on the
tails of Regan discovering that her director friend is dead and that Regan’s
doctors can’t help her. Jesus. Can this woman’s life get any worse? Why not
just add in the fact that she doesn’t get to appear in the sequel to the mix?
So we get some scenes of this detective guy who looks like a drunk,
out-of-work Paul Newman investigating Father Karras – ironically, he says
Father Karras looks like Paul Newman. Maybe having Paul Newman in this movie
wouldn’t have been a bad idea. You could have had him be the possessed one.
That would be something…especially if he played the role of the daughter just
like Linda Blair does. I’m not going to post a picture of that, but just let it
sit in your mind for a while: a little girl contracts an otherworldly
possession and turns into Paul Newman. Terrifying.
And yes, I fully realize the above passage will never be entered into
the annals of my all-time funniest jokes on the blog. Shut up. The detective
guy’s only character seems to be inviting the people he interrogates to go see
movies with him. I guess it’s supposed to be a way to try and bribe them, but I
dunno; I’m more inclined to think he just has no friends after letting the
killer in 12 Angry Men go free.
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Well I never! |
Either way he doesn’t get very far, and the movie mostly focuses on
Chris’s attempts to save Regan. She finally consults with Father Karras, who
has become a tortured soul after his mother passed away. Karras takes her
seriously enough to start an investigation into whether or not Regan’s case
merits an exorcism.
This is yet another difference from most other movies that took
influence from The Exorcist: these scenes actually take their time and feel
realistic. The Church above all is not just some transparent entity that lets
people do whatever they want – there are rules. And very few times – much less
in films like The Possession, The Devil Inside or The Conjuring – would they
actually just allow an exorcism. But here we have the exception: this is the
case that throws everyone for a loop, that proves the Church wrong after years
of nothing, here’s another exorcism they have to do, nestled in this modern
agnostic world.
Movies today just treat exorcisms like any other everyday thing: “Oh,
damn, time for another exorcism again. Want to meet for coffee after?” Just try
and tell me with a straight face that any of the scenes in The Conjuring that
try and make this idea suspenseful are any good. Fucking please. This is the
real deal. Here it feels like things matter.
You, the viewer, feel the weight of
Karras’s discovery and of the decision to perform the exorcism. That matters a
They recruit Father Merrin, who was the old man from the opening, to
come and help out. Apparently because Merrin has so much experience after
almost dying the last time he did an exorcism. How do you think that
conversation went? “Hey, Father Merrin…remember that time you almost died doing
that extremely dangerous exorcism? …Want to do it again?” How rude.
So then we get the exorcism scenes, which are great in part just
because any movie that can make two guys standing over a wrinkled Muppet reject
and shouting “The power of Christ compels you!” suspenseful is doing something
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"And for my next trick, I'll make a sequel without any logic or sense in it whatsoever!" |
But we quickly find out that it doesn’t work as well as they’d like.
Karras tries, but the demon in Regan just won’t let him forget his dearly
departed mother, channeling her at every turn to rattle him. Karras has to go
downstairs, and when he comes back up, Father Merrin has been killed by the
demon. Losing control, Karras goes and strangles Regan until the demon leaves
her and comes into him instead. Then he jumps out a window and dies, ending the
demon’s reign of terror forever…or until the two sequels came out. But either
way, hurray!
The ending does raise some interesting questions though – they went
through all that ritualistic bullshit when the real way to beat the demon was
just to strangle it out with your bare hands? How stupid they must be feeling now!
Ha ha…a good man just lost his life. But seriously though. I really do like the
subtext here: religion isn’t all-powerful, the Church isn’t all-knowing. In
place of a holy, sacrosanct ritual, it’s blunt violence that wins the day in
this movie. That’s pretty important.
And it’s a very important movie. As gruesome and unpleasant as The
Exorcist can be, it really is a prime example of horror working outside its
bounds and making something artistic and meaningful, while still being scary
and suspenseful. It’s the best of both worlds, and an all-time classic. If you’ve
never seen this, and are enamored with its pale imitators…well, you need to
treat yourself to this movie this Halloween. Whether or not you agree with me
that its modern-day imitators are crap, there is no denying the power of The
Happy Halloween!
Images copyright of their original owners.
Happy Halloween!
Images copyright of their original owners.